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Cold exposure and homeostatic strengthening

Credo of the Ice Mindset:

The desired state of mind is one of connection to self and to something greater than self.

It is about clarity, not confusion.
It is about trusting the deep process and not staying on the surface.
It is about facing our own truth and not pretending.
It’s about accepting and not resisting.
It’s about focusing and not scattering.
It is about being antifragile and not fragile…

Benefits of the ice bath:


  • Increase in energy level.
  • Refocusing of the mind.
  • Improvement of blood capillary circulation.
  • Increased post-exercise recovery.
  • Slowing down of the heart and respiratory rhythms.
  • Decrease in chronic inflammation processes.
  • Training of the vagus nerve and the parasympathetic pathway.

Workshop “ICE MINDSET”


With Katia Makowski & Samson Perret

Workshop focused on the mindset and exposure to cold to challenge our beliefs (maximum 15 people).
At Saint-Leu la Forêt, 30 min from Paris by Transilien train (line H).

  • Ice breaker
  • Sharing of experiences & intentions
  • Input on physiology & hormetic stress
  • Yoga mobility
  • Breathing exercises (Wim Hof)
  • Ice bath
  • Feedback & futur commitments

Contact me to know more and reserve your place

Nature Immersions & Workshops:

 Intensive work on oneself in a secluded place in nature in France

Workshop (level 1) – half day from 5 to 15 people :

Thematic workshops – Wim Hof breathing, exposure to cold, work on emotions, input on active listening, etc.

Immersion (level 2) – 3 days from 5 to 9 people :

Individual and group coaching sessions – physical practices (walking, stretching, yoga, balance, osteopathy)

Retreat (level 3) – 1 week in the Alps from 4 to 8 people) :

Individual and group coaching sessions – physical practices (walking, stretching, yoga, balance, osteopathy)


Katia Makowski:

A humanistic and holistic coach, Katia offers guidance where uniqueness and fulfillment are defined on your own terms.

A fan of the “dangerous” concept developed by Tripp Lanier, she brings back to the center of the work the lived experience according to a compass of freedom, of connection, where one feels alive and serene at the same time.

The central idea is to embrace the elements as a professional would and to be a threat to our excuses and habits that prevent us from going after what we deeply desire.

Julien Mauclert:

Julien proposes a discovery around the handstand posture (Adho Mukha Vriksasana) to familiarize and apprehend it in safety. It is a dynamic and fun proposal to find one’s childlike soul and to reinforce confidence, assurance and enthusiasm.

The benefits are considerable: it evacuates stress and soothes the nervous system.

You will learn to understand the essential mechanisms and actions on yourself.

On the program: strengthening, alignment and balance to find the body mechanics that will allow each person to approach the posture.


Amélie Decoux

Amélie Decoux is an osteopath D.O., yoga teacher, co-founder and trainer for OPYA Institut.

She has been consulting in private practice for 15 years and pays particular attention to listening to her patients and providing them with comprehensive and caring care.

By gently bringing osteopathic knowledge through the hands, she helps the body to (re)find its self-healing capacity by a return to balance, homeostasis.

The techniques she uses are gentle and tissue-based, respecting the body’s need to adjust and align itself, to release emotions in order to perform an optimal function, health.

It is in this wake that she like to transmit through her yoga classes, a right return to the balance between body and mind, between heart and soul.

Next Retreat

(Spring 2023)

One week immersion in the Massif of Belledonne, in a private cottage in Chamrousse for an intensive work on oneself (maximum 8 people).

  • Individual coaching session
  • 3 sessions of group coaching
  • Input on physiology & hormetic stress
  • Breathing exercises (Wim Hof Method)
  • Ice bath
  • 1 yoga session, collective
  • 1 session of Inversion (handstand), collective
  • 1 osteopathic consultation, individual
  • Meals included with professional cook on site
  • Physical practices: walking or running, stretching, meditation, etc.
  • Price: 1,750€ tax included (+ 250€ for single room).

Contact me to know more and reserve your place: