- Expertise in relational intelligence
- Expertise in conflict resolution
- Expertise in internal state modulation
- Multiple intelligences / atypical background
- Professional reconversions – atypical projects
- Artists and high-level athletes
- Gifted persons (HP – neuroatypical profile)
- Relational intelligence tools (Thomas Gordon)
- Identification of its defense reactions
- Action on the modulation of its internal states
- Orientation to a growth mindset (C. Dweck)
- Visualization & anchoring techniques (NLP)
- Development of emotional autonomy with Emotional Logic (C. Aimelet-Périssol)
- Recognition of conflicts of loyalty (Transactional analysis)
- Definition of objectives and setting in motion (taking action)
- Evolution at the level of identity with the Generative Self approach (S. Gilligan and R. Dilts)