
Give meaning to your life path

My entire coaching approach is based on the question of meaning. It is the basis of our determination, our joys, our successes, our values, it is our human fuel! Today, in spite of the powerful societal advances we are experiencing, finding meaning in our lives, especially in our professional lives, is far from obvious.  Many people are doing work (30% of their waking hours) whose perceived purpose is futile. The profusion of choices (of consumer goods), of information and other notifications (via social networks), and the general acceleration of our daily routines do not facilitate our taking a step back and our deep reflection on this question of meaning.


The educational system does not favor this either, either on a personal or professional level. On the contrary, it tends to lead to a certain mass conformism and to produce an elitism in the various school streams. However, giving meaning to our actions, our practices, our behavior, is directly linked to our level of well-being. We are fundamentally beings of meaning.

Once this identity is recognized, we can then roll up our sleeves and dive into the work on ourselves, with the goal of achieving extraordinary accomplishments. It goes without saying that it is not so much the achievement of what some might call a miracle, but rather the process and the state of mind that this requires on a daily basis that we seek to deepen and strengthen. My coaching work is thus based on the notions of deliberate practice, modulation of our internal state and growth mindset. My position could be compared to that of a catalyst, allowing to reduce the activation energy during a chemical reaction, I am a facilitator and a trigger of change once the awareness is achieved…

The solutions will thus come from yourself and I will only be a support to accompany you in these deep changes. We will address the overcoming of our limiting beliefs, self-acceptance and the uncovering of our own perception filters. We will work on a posture of commitment and deep involvement, a certain form of intensity in our practice, whether it affects our professional life or our emotional life within the couple or our loved ones. Finally, we will remain aligned with a true letting go and a sense of play to be exercised in our daily lives.


Future Coachees:

Who is it for?

  • People in need of change, or in reconversion, in search of meaning in their lives
  • Committed individuals with a strong involvement to their professional practice
  • Artists and high-level athletes



The trajectory of Samson F. Perret speaks of exploration and transmission.


  • A graduate of the Rue d’Ulm and holder of a doctorate in Cognitive Sciences in 2009, Samson has been a private teacher in mathematics and biology, manager of an apartment renovation company, teacher of circus arts, trainer in benevolent and effective communication, game designer and publisher of board games.
  • Teaching young children, teenagers and adults in the circus arts, Samson develops an approach centered on autonomy and cooperation. His personal journey following the birth of his first child in 2014 and the discovery of Thomas Gordon’s relational approach led him to explore the vast field of relational intelligence. He takes to heart the notions of pedagogy and education, as well as self-actualization.
  • President of the Ateliers Gordon France association since 2019 and active member of the Educ’At association, he gives conferences and workshops on the themes of parenting, conflict resolution, the place of screens, active listening, and the link between well-being and success. A trainer in the Gordon approach, he enriches his coaching practice with contributions in neuroscience, emotional logic, neuro-linguistic programming, and documents himself daily on the relational tools in development.